Achieve your goals with miniOrange

Build your skills with courses and certificates from world-class company

What you'll learn?

Dive into learning a dedicated programming language, such as C, C++, Core JAVA, ASP.NET or Go (to name a few!)

Will build on your creative skills, problem solving and help in your overall growth.

To help in understanding the basic foundation level concepts that are applied in most programming languages.

Will Open up a whole new world of digital creativity with lots of fun and learning.

Programming Language Courses

C++ is known as hybrid language because C++ supports both procedural and object oriented programming paradigms. Data and functions are separated in C because it is a procedural programming language.
Java Coffee Cup Logo
Core java
Java is a popular general-purpose programming language and computing platform. It is fast, reliable, and secure. Java is a big player in the programming world. So, if you are an aspiring programmer or web developer, you should have a solid handle on Java basics.
.Net Core Logo
ASP.NET is a part of the Microsoft .NET Framework, so all .NET Framework features are available to ASP.NET applications. That means, when you developing ASP.NET applications you have access to classes in the .NET Framework.
Wordpress Logo
WordPress is a content management system based on PHP and MySQL that is usually used with the MySQL or MariaDB database servers but can also use the SQLite database engine.
PHP Logo
PHP is a server-side scripting language designed for web development. During this PHP beginner course, discover the fundamental concepts beginner PHP developers need to master.
SQL Logo `
It’s no surprise SQL (pronounced ‘sequel’) tops the job list since it can be found far and wide in various flavors. Database technologies such as MySQL, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server power big businesses, small businesses, hospitals, banks, universities.

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