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How to secure Atlassian using CASB Solution

Secure your Atlassian with the miniOrange CASB solution to protect sensitive business information against unauthorized user access by enabling dynamic security restrictions, deep visibility, active threat detection, and granular access controls. In this guide, we will see how you can configure Atlassian with CASB for your organization.

Step 1: Sign up with miniOrange CASB

  • Click here to log into your miniOrange account.

    (Don’t have an account? No worries, click here to create a new account)

  • Login into miniOrange Atlassian apps CASB

Step 2: Choose Atlassian for Configuration

  • After signing in, you should be taken to the miniOrange dashboard page. Locate the "Atlassian" tab and click on the Add App button.
  • Atlassian CASB Access Restriction authentication method dashboard

  • Select the Add Authentication Source option from the drop-down menu.
  • Atlassian CASB Access Restriction Add authentication

  • Mention an Authentication name for the authentication source, and click on Generate Metadata.
  • Atlassian CASB Authentication Generate Metadata

  • After clicking on Generate Metadata, you will get the metadata details, as shown in the image below. Use this data to configure the SAML application in your Identity Provider (IDP).
  • Atlassian CASB Access Restriction Generate Metadata SAML Flow

  • If you would like to view the metadata details again, then you can click on the Show Metadata button.
  • Now, Enter the remaining details like the IDP Entity ID, SAML Login URL, SAML Logout URL, and X509 Certificate which you will find in your Identity Provider metadata. Once done, Choose the Binding Type for SSO Request as required. You will find this information in the IDP metadata. However, if you are not sure, please select the HTTP-Redirect Binding as the default configuration.
  • Atlassian CASB Access Restriction SP metadata IDP Details

  • Click the Save & Next button once you have filled out all the details.
  • You have now successfully configured SAML Authentication with miniOrange CASB.

Step 3: Configuring Atlassian Application

  • Now, You are redirected to Basic Settings section.
  • Fill in the following details to configure the Atlassian Application:
  • Atlassian CASB Basic Settings Details

    • Organization Name: Enter the name of your organization.
    • Organization Domain: Enter the domain of your organization on Atlassian. (Ex: example.com)
    • Attribute Key: Enter the Group Attribute Key for the SSO app, which you have configured in the IDP under the SAML attributes section.
    • Atlassian ACS URL: You can get the Atlassian ACS URL from the Atlassian Admin dashboard.
    • Atlassian Entity URL: You can get the Atlassian Entity URL from the Atlassian Admin dashboard.
    • Select CASB Type: Inline or Offline.
    • Click on Save & Next to save your changes.
  • You can check your IDP Metadata that is updated in the Atlassian admin console by clicking on the Get Configuration option next to Previous.
  • Atlassian CASB Basic Settings Details

Step 4: Configuring Policies

    Let’s see how to configure policies for Atlassian CASB.

  • You should be taken to the Manage Policy screen. Enter your policy details, like Policy Name and Policy Description and Select Policies as per your Requirement.
  • Select the “Enable IP Restriction” checkbox.
  • Atlassian CASB policies enable IP Restriction

    • Follow these steps to configure IP Restriction policy:
    • 1) Select the Allow or Deny option to either permit or restrict certain IP addresses.

      2) Click on the Add IP Address icon to create a new field where you can add the IP addresses you want to regulate.

  • Click on the "Enable Time Restriction" checkbox.
  • Atlassian CASB policies enable Time Restriction

    • Follow these steps to configure Time Restriction policy:
    • 1) Select Allow or Deny to permit or restrict user access during the selected time slot.

      2) Select the user's time zone.

      3) Select the start and end times for the time-based restriction.

  • Click on the "Enable Prevent Download" checkbox.
  • Atlassian CASB policies enable Prevent Download

  • Click on the "Enable Location Based Restriction" checkbox and select location that you want to restrict.select locations that you want to restrict. Also, Select the Allow or Deny option to either permit or restrict certain locations.
  • Atlassian CASB policy Location Based Restriction

  • Click on the "Enable File Based Access" checkbox and Select the Allow or Deny option to either permit or restrict certain files. e.g. PDF, Doc, ZIP and etc.
  • Click on the "Disable copy" checkbox. You are restricting users from copying the contents of the page.
  • Atlassian CASB policy enable File Based Access

  • Click on the Save & Next button to save the policy.

Step 5: Configuring Groups

    Let’s see how to configure Groups for AtlassianPlus CASB.

  • Now, You are redirected to Manage Group screen. Enter the Group Name and Group Description. Select the Atlassian Policy from the drop-down menu.
  • Now, we'll proceed to assign permissions for applications to the group.
  • a) App Restriction: In this, the restrictions will be applied over the application based on the policy that you have configured for the group.

    b) No App Restriction: In this, there will be no restrictions on the application for the group.

    c) Disable App: By choosing this option, the application becomes inaccessible from anywhere for the entire group.

    d) Custom App Restriction: By using this, you can apply an application-specific custom application restriction policy to an application that overpowers the group's restriction policy.

    Atlassian CASB Groups submit app restriction group

  • Now, Click on Save & Next once done.
  • After successfully configuring all screens, you will be redirected to the edit screen.

Step 6: Edit Screen

  • Basic Settings section You can change any configurations if required in the Authentication.
  • Suppose you want to configure different authentication sources. In that case, you can simply click on the Authentication Source in the Navigation Bar, where you will be able to add, view & edit authentication sources.
  • Atlassian CASB Basic Settings change any configuration

  • Groups section You can add and configure groups on this screen and view all configured groups. Now, Click on Add New Group.
  • You will get a pop-up for adding a new group and you can configure it using the above mentioned steps.
  • Atlassian CASB Group Settings all configured groups

Not able to configure or test Atlassian CASB?
No worry, you need to Contact us or email us at proxysupport@xecurify.com and we'll help you setting it up in no time.

External References

miniOrange CASB offers a wide variety of security features with flexible scalability, all available at the most affordable price to all types of businesses. Start by signing up now!

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miniOrange CASB solutions making it affordable for organizations