Share Issue for Jira

The Jira Share Issue app lets you share Jira issues with Non-Jira users by generating an anonymous access link for the issue.
It allows to set permissions to view/add comments and attachments, set expiry over the access link. By the end of this guide, you will be able to share your Jira issues with non-licensed users as per your needs.

You can refer the steps to configure Jira Secure Share from the video or documentation given below


    To configure share issue in Jira, you need the following items:

    • Jira should be installed and configured.
    • Jira Server is HTTPS enabled (optional).
    • Admin credentials are set up in Jira.
    • Valid Jira Server and Data center Licence.

Download And Installation

  • Log into your Jira instance, as an admin.
  • Navigate to the settings menu and click Manage Apps.
  • Click Find new apps or Find new add-ons from the left-hand side of the page.
  • Locate Share Issue for Jira via search.
  • Click Try free to begin a new trial or Buy now to purchase a license for Share Issue for Jira.
  • Enter your information and click Generate license when redirected to MyAtlassian.
  • Click Apply license.
  • Share Issue for Jira, Manage apps menu

Step 1: Create & Share Anonymous Access Link

  • Browse the Jira issue you want to share.
  • Click on Share Issue under Activity.
  • Jira Share Issue Create & Share Secure Link

Step 2: Configure the Link

  • Click on Create & Share Secure Link for configuring the link to be shared.
  • Refer the following table to configure the access link:
    Feature Description
    Activate/Deactivate Activates/deactivates the link.
    You can find this besides the heading of the dialog.
    Link Name Provides a name for the link
    Link Description Provides a description for the link
    View Comments Allows end user to view comments of the Jira issue via this link
    Add Comments Allows end user to add comments in the Jira issue via this link
    View Attachments Allows end user to view attachments of the Jira issue via this link
    Add Attachments Allows end user to add attachments in the Jira issue via this link
    Configure Fields Select those fields that you want your end user to access in the shared issue

    These are the configurable fields:
    • Assignee
    • Description
    • Priority
    • Reporter
    Expires In Set the duration by choosing the duration type from the dropdown.
    The link will expire and won't be accessible after this duration.
    Duration Type These are the available duration types to set link expiry.
    • HOURS
    • DAYS
    • WEEKS
    • MONTHS
    Protect link with password Allows setting password over the link
    Password Set your password for the link here
    Generate Random Password Auto fills the password field with a random password.
  • Click on Save to save your link configurations.
  • Jira Share Issue Link Config

Step 3: Share configured link

    You could share any configured access link by any of the following methods:

  • Copy URL and password (if set) to share from the list of configured links. You can find the list in Share Issue tab under Activity of the issue.
  • Share the link on the fly just after successful configuration using Save & Share button.
  • Jira Share Issue List of Links
  • Share the link from the list of configured access links from Share Issue tab.
  • Jira Share Issue List of Links

Free Trial

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