Centralized License Manager

Benefits That Make Life Easier for You!

Comprehensive License Tracking

Consolidate and manage the licenses of all third-party apps installed from the Atlassian marketplace in one central location.

Enhanced Productivity

Renewal Management

Keep an organized record of all license renewal dates. This will help ensure you never miss any important renewal deadlines.

Auto User Management icon

Automated Notifications

The Email Notifier feature automates your license tracking. Set it up once, and you’ll receive regular email updates on the status of all your plugin licenses, eliminating the need for manual checks within the Jira instance.

Discover Our App Features

Multiple IDPs supported

Single search to many things

Search plugins by vendor, status(Enabled/Disabled), version, etc.

Manual Sync icon

Expiry checker

Plugins that are near to expiry and which have expired are highlighted so that they can be renewed.

JIT and SCIM provisioning

Multiple things Single Platform

All the add-ons status along with their licensing information in one place.

Deprovisioning Page icon


Filter the add-ons between installed plugins/Only admin-installed plugins.

Transform Username Regex Icon

Reduce manual overhead

The License Manager automates license tracking and renewals, minimizing manual tasks.

Easy Setup Guides: Everything You Need to Know

Effortlessly configure your miniOrange add-ons with our curated, step-by-step setup guides for a quick and seamless setup.

Hear It From Our Satisfied Customers

At our core, we prioritize our customers above all else. Every decision we make is in your best interest. Your feedback guides our efforts to continually elevate our products and services

Gartner customer first badge
Atlassian Marketplace Four Star Rating

Easy to install and setup

Easy to install and setup, worked as expected. Was given very good technical support when it came to customizations for our organisation.

Atlassian Marketplace Four Star Rating

Excellent support!!!

Excellent support team who showed huge dedication to get us set up from start to

Atlassian Marketplace Four Star Rating

Great Application

The application is great for our use case. The support team has also been very patient in helping us set up our environment and resolve our issues.

One-Stop-Shop to Your Bundle of Security

Our product suite offers tailored solutions designed specifically for Atlassian environments,
ensuring seamless compatibility and integration.

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