Auth0 as IdP – SAML

Step 1: Setup Auth0 as Identity Provider

      Single Sign On(SSO) using Auth0, Auth0 SSO Login-1 1.1 Prerequisites:

        Ensure you have these values from the Service Provider Info tab of the SAML plugin:

        • SP Entity ID
        • ACS URL
        • Single Logout URL (to log users out from Auth0 when logged out from Atlassian)

      Single Sign On(SSO) using Auth0, Auth0 SSO Login-2 1.2 Instructions:

        • Log in to your Auth0 dashboard.
        • Navigate to Applications and click on Create Application.
        • SAML Single Sign On (SSO), Create Application option inside Auth0 dashboard
        • Next, assign a name to the application, choose Regular Web App, and click Create.
        • SAML Single Sign On (SSO), Create application dialog box for assigning app name and type before creation
        • In the Addons tab, enable the SAML2 option to configure it.
        • SAML Single Sign On (SSO), Addons section of the new app
        • Configure the Application Callback URL, Audience, Recipient, and other settings using the SP Entity ID and ACS URL from the SAML plugin.
        • SAML Single Sign On (SSO), Provision for configuring the SAML2 Web App
        • Once you’re done configuring the settings, scroll down and click Enable.
        • SAML Single Sign On (SSO), Option to enable the SAML2 Web App
        • Go to the Usage tab and download the Identity Provider Metadata XML file.
        • SAML Single Sign On (SSO), Auth0 provision for downloading Identity Provider Metadata

        Single Sign On(SSO) using Auth0, Auth0 SSO Login-2 1.3 Create User in Auth0:

          1. Navigate to Users & Roles → Users and click on Create User.
          2. SAML Single Sign On (SSO), Auth0 User Management section with provision for creating user
          3. Next, provide the email address and password for the new user and click Create.
          4. SAML Single Sign On (SSO), Provision for providing an email address and password to the new user