Go to AWS, search for AWS Single Sign-On in AWS Services or click on this link.
After opening the AWS SSO Service, select Enable AWS SSO.
Click on Create AWS Organisation .
Click on Applications → Add a new application.
Select Add a custom SAML 2.0 application.
Fill the Details of the application.
Download AWS SSO SAML Metadata file as it will be required by Service Provider in step-2.
Go to miniorange SAML Single Sign-On Plugin → Service Provider Info tab → Download
Metadata and upload it to the AWS Application Metadata section or you can copy the
SP Entity ID and ACS URL from the plugin and configure endpoints manually.
Click on Save changes and your Demo Application has been configured.
Go to Attribute Mappings configure the various attributes (first name, last name and e-mail
address) for the SAML response from the Attribute mappings tab as shown:
Go to your configured Demo Application → Assigned users and add the users.
If you want to assign new users you can navigate to the left section and go to Users→ Add
User and Enter the User details and click on Next:Groups and assign group to users.