Crowd SAML Single Sign On

Crowd SAML Single Sign On

Crowd SAML Single Sign On(SSO) allows users to sign into Crowd Server , Data Center and connected Atlassian Applications with SAML 2.0 capable Identity Provider . We support all known IdPs like ADFS, Azure AD, Okta, Onelogin, Google Apps, Salesforce, Shibboleth etc.

  • Starbucks
  • Nasa
  • Mercedez
  • AWS
  • Telstra
  • Porsche
  • JHU
  • Vodafone
  • Activision
  • Goldman Sach

Check out our Connectors

The miniOrange Crowd SSO connector expands the SAML SSO functionality from Crowd to its connected Atlassian applications. It also allows users to enable SAML Authentication from any SAML compliant IDP, where SAML SSO requests and responses to and from IDP will pass via the Crowd server.

Our Other Crowd Products

Crowd Two Factor Authentication

Add an extra layer of security to crowd with 2FA. It replaces insecure passwords and elevates the security.

Crowd OAuth Single
Sign On

Allow users to sign into crowd and its connected applications with OAuth/OIDC compliant provider.

Crowd SCIM-
User/Group Sync

Keep our Crowd's directory in sync with the organization directory using SCIM.

Crowd Bulk User Management

Simplify the tedious user management and application assignment tasks and save licences by automating inactive user deactivation.

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Key Features

DC Support

SSO into your Crowd Data Center instance with your enterprise IDP. This deployment option is specifically designed to support the complex requirements of enterprises.

Multiple IdP's Support

Configure multiple IDPs to authenticate different types of users with different IDP.

Auto Create User

Auto-create users in Crowd after SSO if the user is not already present in Crowd.


Faster and better troubleshooting issues, you might need to share plugin configurations and logs via email or customer portal.

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User Attribute Mapping

Allows mapping of user’s IdP profile to Crowd user profile (Name, Username etc). The user profile is updated on SSO.

User Groups Mapping

Allows mapping user’s Identity Provider groups to Crowd groups. The user groups are updated on SSO.

Single Logout (SLO)

Allows users to logout from IdP on SP logout even users handling multiple Identity Providers.

Import Metadata Using File/URL

User can import metadata via Metadata URL or Metadata file provided by IdPs. Also supports manual configurations.

Default Groups

Set default group to add that group to users if no group is assigned.

Auto Redirect to IdP

Redirect users to IdP instead of showing Crowd login page for logging into Crowd

On the fly Group Mapping

Map user's IdP groups to Crowd groups by matching the group name

Domain Mapping

Works with multiple IDPs. Allow users to redirect to their IDP based on their email domains.

Custom Attribute Mapping

User can create attributes same as SP in Crowd and map the additional attributes using IdP response.

Login User by Username/Email

Existing Crowd users will be searched and logged in based on their username or email.

Custom Logout URL/Template

On logout, redirect user to configured custom logout URL or template.

Import/Export Plugin Configuration

Import and export miniOrange plugin configurations for the Crowd add-on. Useful for taking backup

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What Our Customers Say!

Overall rating of our customers

"Fantastic support"

Works as advertised. Fantastic support. Highly recommended.

"Support was great: responsive and effective"

Integration of Crowd with Auth0 and then with Azure Active Directory worked like a charm.

"Quick and Helpful"

Successfully integrated Crowd with Azure Active Directory. Great support.

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