Jira Cloud User Provisioning (SCIM) for miniOrange

User Sync & Group Sync app sync user and group information from miniOrange to Jira Cloud. Sync can be performed manually, scheduled to run after set time intervals, or during user login. This way the administrator only needs to manage user accounts in miniOrange. This reduces the administration time required to create users and groups in Atlassian modules such as Jira Cloud.

Download And Installation

  • Log into your atlassian instance as admin.
  • Navigate to the settings menu and Click Manage Apps.
  • Click on Find new apps .
  • Locate miniOrange User and Group Sync app.
  • Click Try free to begin a new trial or Buy now to purchase a license.
  • Enter your information and click Generate license when redirected to MyAtlassian.
  • Click Apply license.

Step 1: Setup miniOrange

Case 1: Only Provisioning (Just want to enable provisioning through miniOrange)

  • Login into your miniOrange console and navigate to the Apps section.
  • Go to the Apps section>> Add Application>>select Provisioning.
  •  miniOrange IDP SCIM User Provisioning | Configure API Integration
  • Enter your Custom Application Name, SCIM Base URL and Bearer token copied from the SCIM Configuration tab of the SCIM user provisioning plugin.
  •  miniOrange IDP SCIM User Provisioning | Enable API Integration
  • You can also send your desired attributes from your IDP to simply adding the Target Attributes and selecting the value of those attributes in miniOrange Attributes.
  •  miniOrange IDP SCIM User Provisioning | General setting
  • You can choose which provisioning features to enable.
  •  miniOrange IDP SCIM User Provisioning | General setting
  • Click on Save.
  • Navigate to the Policies Tab and click on the App login policy in the left panel.
  • Click on Add policy. Choose the application you have created. Then add the group name.
  • Add the name of the policy. You can keep it as you like.
  • Keep the login method as Login Password.
  •  miniOrange IDP SCIM User Provisioning | General setting
  • Click on Save.

Step 2: Configure API token

2.1: User Sync

  • Setup API Token by clicking Configure API Token button.
  • Enter your Admin Email
  • Generate your own API token. Please refer this document here .
  • Please enter Application Name and click on Submit button. Copy the SCIM Base URL and SCIM Bearer Token, these will be used later to configure SCIM application on miniOrange IDP.

  • Jira Cloud SCIM

2.2: Customer Sync

  • In the Configuration tab, please select the IDP provider.
  • Jira Cloud SCIM
  • Select the Customer Sync option.
  • Jira Cloud SCIM
  • In the SCIM configuration, Please enter the App Name and click on the Save Settings button. Copy the Customer Base URL and Customer Bearer Token, these will be used later to configure the SCIM application on the IDP provider.
  • Jira Cloud SCIM
  • In the Group Mapping setting add the group from which you want to give permission to the project.
    eg:- If you have a private Project name:- Demo service project and you have IDP group name:- Jira-Service-group. So if we provision user who has Jira-Service-group assigned in Plugin group mapping, he will get access to the portal of Demo Service Project.
  • Jira Cloud SCIM

Step 3: Provisioning Operations

  • Enable Import Users option to create users automatically if they do not exist in Jira.
  • Enable Import Groups option to create groups automatically if they do not exist in Jira.
  • User and gruop provisioning in Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket Select Provider
  • Click on Submit.

Step 4: Multiple IDPs

  • The plugin allows for configuring multiple IDPs on your SP to accommodate your specific use case. To add another IDP, simply navigate to the "Configured IDPs" section.
  • Jira Cloud SCIM

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Free Trial

If you don't find what you are looking for, please contact us at support-atlassian@miniorange.atlassian.net or raise a support ticket here.