Keycloak AS OAuth Provider – Cloud OAuth

Part 2: Setup miniOrange with Keycloak

Step 1. Configure miniOrange as SP in Keycloak

    Obtain the following steps to get callback url.

  • Go to miniOrange Admin Console.
  • From the left navigation bar, select Identity Provider.
  • You will get the callback URL here, keep it handy this would be required in next steps.
  • azure ad saml Apps
  • Create openid client : Login to your Keycloak server. Go to the Clients and click on Create button. Enter client id and select openid-connect as client protocol and select Save.
  • OAuth/OpenID/OIDC Single Sign On (SSO) using Keycloak Identity Provider, Setup Client App
  • Change Access type: After client is created change its access type to confidential.
  • OAuth/OpenID/OIDC Single Sign On (SSO) using Keycloak Identity Provider, Change Access type
  • Enter Valid Redirect URIs :
    • Copy the Callback URL from plugin and insert into Valid Redirect URIs field.
    • Click on SAVE.
    OAuth/OpenID/OIDC Single Sign On (SSO) using Keycloak Identity Provider, Redirect URIs
  • Keycloak Group Mapper:
    • Now, if you want to fetch the user groups you will have to map the client and group membership.
    • For that, navigate to the Clients and select the client Id you created, then go to the Mappers tab and click on Create.
    • Provide Name, select Mapper Type as Group Membership and enter the Token Claim Name i.e attribute name corresponding to which the groups will be sent.
    • Turn off Full group path else group mapping will fail. And then click on Save.
    OAuth/OpenID/OIDC Single Sign On (SSO) using Keycloak Identity Provider, Group Mapper
  • Realm name: You need a realm name when you set up Keycloak as an OAuth provider, kindly copy it. For example in this case it is Master
  • OAuth/OpenID/OIDC Single Sign On (SSO) using Keycloak Identity Provider, Realm name
  • Get Client Secret: To get Client Secret Navigate to Clients, select Client Id and navigate to the Credentials tab.
  • OAuth/OpenID/OIDC Single Sign On (SSO)using Keycloak Identity Provider, Client App Credentials

Step 2. Configure Keycloak in miniOrange.

  • Go to miniOrange Admin Console.
  • From the left navigation bar select Identity Provider.
  • azure ad saml Apps
  • Select OAuth
  • azure ad saml Apps
  • Enter the following values.
  • IdP Name Custom Provider
    IdP Display Name Choose appropriate Name
    OAuth Authorize Endpoint https://{keycloak-app-domain}/oauth2/authorize
    OAuth Access Token Endpoint https://{keycloak-app-domain}/oauth2/token
    OAuth Get User Info Endpoint (optional) https://{keycloak-app-domain}/oauth2/userInfo
    Client ID This value can be obtained from the above steps
    Client secret This value can be obtained from the above steps
    Scope openid
  • Now you can click on Save.

Step 3. Test connection between miniOrange and Keycloak

  • Go to the miniOrange Admin Dashboard.
  • Go to Identity Providers tab. Then click on select button under the app you just created. Then click on Test Connection.
  • A new popup login window will open. Enter your credentials and login.
  • Atlassian Access Cloud SSO (Single Sign-On) Add Member
  • Now you will see TEST SUCCESSFUL in a new popup window. If not, then check if you have missed any of the above step.