Setup Guide for GitHub App

  • Login to GitHub : Go to Github Developer and login with your account. Click on settings.
  • OAuth/OpenID/OIDC Single Sign On (SSO), GitHub SSO Login Setup GitHub
  • Select Developer Settings.
  • OAuth/OpenID/OIDC Single Sign On (SSO), GitHub SSO Login Developer settings
  • Create App : Select OAuth Apps and click on Register a new application button.
  • OAuth/OpenID/OIDC Single Sign On (SSO), GitHub SSO Login Create App
  • Enter app credentials : Enter app name, plugin homepage URL. Copy callback URL from the plugin and paste it under Authorized callback URL field.
  • OAuth/OpenID/OIDC Single Sign On (SSO), GitHub SSO Login Enter app credentials
  • Copy Client ID and Client Secret.
  • OAuth/OpenID/OIDC Single Sign On (SSO), GitHub SSO Login Client ID
  • This step is optional. Follow this step if the email is returned as null while further configuring the plugin. Go to profile and set public email.
  • If Public Email field is disabled, go to Emails and uncheck the option Keep my email addresses private.
  • github_emails_tab