Setup Guide for Slack App

  • Login to Slack : Go to Slack API and login to your account.
  • Create an app : Go to the Create App page.
  • Enter App name and select Development Slack Workspace. App name can be anything and by default Slack Workspace is Group but you can sign in to another workspace.
  • Click On Create App.
  • OAuth/OpenID/OIDC Single Sign On (SSO) using Slack Identity Provider, Configure App Name
  • Scroll down on page and copy Client ID and Client Secret, keep it handy for setting up Jira as OAuth Client later.
  • OAuth/OpenID/OIDC Single Sign On (SSO) using Slack Identity Provider, Get App credentials
  • Add Redirect URL : Go to OAuth & Permissions, click on Add New Redirect URL button.
  • Provide the Callback URL (copied from plugin) in the given text field and then click on Save URLs.
  • OAuth/OpenID/OIDC Single Sign On (SSO) using Slack Identity Provider, Add Redirect URL
  • Scope: In the same OAuth & Permissions page, scroll down to the Scopes section.
  • Click on the Add an OAuth Scope button under User Token Scopes section. Select appropriate scopes from the dropdown list and Save changes. E.g. identity.basic and are required scopes.
  • OAuth/OpenID/OIDC Single Sign On (SSO) using Slack Identity Provider, Select Scope