Salesforce AS OAuth Provider – Cloud OAuth

Part 2: Setup miniOrange with SalesForce

Step 1. Configure miniOrange as SP in SalesForce

    Obtain the following steps to get callback url.

  • Go to miniOrange Admin Console.
  • From the left navigation bar, select Identity Provider.
  • azure ad saml Apps
  • You will get the callback URL here, keep it handy this would be required in next steps.
  • azure ad saml Apps
  • Login to your SalesForce account.
  • Switch to the SalesForce Classic mode from profile menu, and then go to the Setup page.
  • From the left pane, under Build section go to Create > Apps.
  • OAuth/OpenID/OIDC Single Sign On (SSO) using Salesforce identity Provider, Create and Setup Salesforce App
  • Scroll down and click on the New button under Connected apps.
  • OAuth/OpenID/OIDC Single Sign On (SSO) using Salesforce Identity Provider, Connected apps
  • You will be taken to the application settings page. Enter the required details such as Connected App Name, API Name and Contact Email.
  • OAuth/OpenID/OIDC Single Sign On (SSO) using Identity Provider, New connected app
  • Check the Enable OAuth Settings checkbox under API(Enable OAuth Settings) section and you will be shown more options to configure.
  • Enter the Callback URL (copy it from the plugin), select the Scopes as required and save the settings.
  • OAuth/OpenID/OIDC Single Sign On (SSO)using Salesforce Identity Provider, Enable OAuth Settings
  • You will be taken to the Application Management page. Here, you will find Consumer key(Client ID) and Consumer Secret(Client Secret).
  • OAuth/OpenID/OIDC Single Sign On (SSO) using Salesforce Identity Provider, Get Consumer ID

Step 2. Configure SalesForce in miniOrange.

  • Go to miniOrange Admin Console.
  • From the left navigation bar select Identity Provider.
  • azure ad saml Apps
  • Select OAuth
  • azure ad saml Apps
  • Enter the following values.
  • IdP Name Custom Provider
    IdP Display Name Choose appropriate Name
    OAuth Authorize Endpoint https://{SalesForce-app-domain}/oauth2/authorize
    OAuth Access Token Endpoint https://{SalesForce-app-domain}/oauth2/token
    OAuth Get User Info Endpoint (optional) https://{SalesForce-app-domain}/oauth2/userInfo
    Client ID This value can be obtained from the above steps
    Client secret This value can be obtained from the above steps
    Scope openid
  • Now you can click on Save.

Step 3. Test connection between miniOrange and SalesForce

  • Go to the miniOrange Admin Dashboard.
  • Go to Identity Providers tab. Then click on select button under the app you just created. Then click on Test Connection.
  • A new popup login window will open. Enter your credentials and login.
  • Atlassian Access Cloud SSO (Single Sign-On) Add Member
  • Now you will see TEST SUCCESSFUL in a new popup window. If not, then check if you have missed any of the above step.