Jira OAuth/OpenID app gives the ability to enable OAuth/OpenID Single Sign On for Jira Software and Jira Service Desk. Jira Software and Jira Service Desk are compatible with all OAuth/OpenID Providers. Here we will go through a guide to configure SSO between Jira and your OAuth/OpenID Provider. By the end of this guide, users from your OAuth/OpenID Provider should be able to login and register to Jira Software and Service Desk.
You can refer the steps to configure your OAuth Provider with the Jira OAuth Client from the video or documentation given below
Before proceeding with the integration of your OAuth/OpenID Provider and Jira, ensure that the following
prerequisites are met:
Ensure that Jira has been installed and configured appropriately.
Enable HTTPS on the Jira Server (optional, but recommended).
Establish admin credentials for Jira.
Obtain a valid Jira Server and Data Center License.
Download And Installation
Log into your Jira instance as an admin.
Navigate to the Settings Menu and click on Manage Apps.
Next, click on Find new apps option on the left-hand menu of the page.
Click on Try it free to begin a new trial of the plugin with a temporary license.
When redirected to MyAtlassian, enter your information and click Generate license.
Next, click Apply license.
Step 1: Setup your OAuth Provider
Register an OAuth application on your Provider by configuring the Callback URL provided in the plugin. The callback URL would be {oauth_client_base_url}/plugins/servlet/oauth/callback
Collect the endpoints given below from your Provider to configure them in the plugin.
Client ID
Identify the application.
Client Secret
Authenticate the Authorization Server.
Limit an application's access to a user's account.
Authorization Endpoint
Identify a user or obtain an authorization code.
Access Token Endpoint
Allows an application to access an API.
User Info Endpoint
Access the user profile information.
Group Endpoint (optional)
Fetch groups of a user.
Logout Endpoint (optional)
Enter the Logout endpoint of your OAuth/OpenID Provider. Leave it blank if Logout endpoint is not supported by provider.
Step 2: Setup JIRA as OAuth Client
Select Custom OAuth App from the dropdown list.
Enter the App Name, Client ID, Client Secret and Scope.
Configure all the endpoints collected from the Provider (as mentioned in the Step 1) or if you have the Metadata URL of your Provider, then click on the Fetch Info by Metadata URL button for importing configurations.
Enter the metadata URL and click on the Fetch option. All the Endpoints [like Authorize Endpoint, Access Token Endpoint, User Info Endpoint and Scope] will be configured automatically except Client ID and Client Secret.
The format of metadata URL is {domain_name}/.well-known/openid-configuration Here are a few examples of Providers along with their Metadata URLs.
Configure the Logout Endpoint if you want users to log out from Jira along with Provider. This setting is optional. Logout URL will destroy user’s session in Jira and Provider. You can also set redirect URL here, which specifies where to redirect after Jira logout.
Click on ACR Value Check checkbox if you want to add ACR Value parameter to the authorised server request. This setting is optional. The ACR value specifies the authentication method used by the Authorization Server and is used to enable the multi-factor authentication.
Click on Nonce checkbox if you want to add the nonce parameter to authorised server request. The nonce parameter is used to validate the tokens received from the provider. Its purpose is to mitigate the replay attack.
Select the Check State Parameter if required by your OAuth Provider. Using state parameter, a client application can validate that the response received from the provider is not altered in between.
Click on Save button.
Click on Test Configuration for verifying the entered details.
Step 3: User Profiles
We will be setting up user profile attributes for Jira. If your users are stored in a directory that is Read
Only, please check Disable Attribute Mapping in User Profile tab and follow steps given in Matching a User.
a. Finding correct attributes
Go to Configure OAuth tab. Scroll down and click on Test Configuration.
You will see all the values returned by your OAuth/OpenID Provider to Jira in a table. If you don't see a
value for First Name, Last Name, Email or Username, make the required settings in your OAuth/OpenID Provider
to return this information.
Once you see all the values in Test Configuration, keep the window open and go to User
Profile tab.
b. Setting profile attributes
In this tab, fill the values by matching the name of the attribute. For instance, if the Attribute Name
in the Test Configuration window is NameID, enter NameID against Username
Setting up both Username and Email is required if you want to let users register. If you want existing users
to the only login, configure the attribute using which you will match the user in Jira.
c. Matching a User
When the user logs into
Jira, one of the user's data/attribute coming in from the OAuth/OpenID Provider is used to search the user in
Jira. This is used to detect the user in Jira and log in the user to the same account.
Go to User Profile tab
Select Username or Email for Login/Search Jira user account by
Enter the attribute name from OAuth/OpenID Provider which corresponds to Username or Email using Finding Correct Attributes
d. Custom Attribute Mapping
The custom attributes recieved in the OAuth/OpenID response can be configured using Configure User
Properties(Custom Attributes) option.
Click Add Attributes .
Enter the attribute name( E.g. department) as User Property Key.
This option will be added in the profiles of Jira Users.
Corresponding to this key, fill the attribute value you recieved in Test Configuration
window. For instance, if the Attribute Name in the Test Configuration window is Department, enter Department
as Attribute.
Another attribute e.g. location can be added by reclicking on Add Attributes option.
Step 4: User Groups
We will be setting up user group attributes for Jira. If your users are stored in a directory that is Read Only,
please check Disable Group Mapping in User Groups tab and skip to Setting default group.
a. Setting default group
Select the users' Default Group in the tab User Groups. If no group is
mapped, users are added by default to this group.
You can enable default groups for All Users or New Users using the
option.Select None if you don't want to assign any default group to SSO users, using the
option Assign Default Group To.
b. Finding Group Attribute
Just like we found Attribute Name for User Profile attributes, we find group attribute.
Go to Configure OAuth tab. Scroll down and click on Test Configuration.
You will see all the values returned by your OAuth/OpenID Provider to Jira in a table. If you don't see
value with groups, make the required settings in your OAuth Providerto return group names.
Once you see all the values in Test Configuration, keep the window open and go to User
Groups tab.
Enter the Attribute Name of group against Group Attribute.
Check Disable Group Mapping option if you don't want to update groups of existing users.
c. Group Mapping
Group Mapping can be done in two ways:
Manual group mapping: If the names of groups in Jira are different than the corresponding
groups in OAuth/OpenID Provider, then you should use Manual group mapping.
On-The-Fly group mapping: If the names of groups in Jira and OAuth/OpenID Provider are
same, you should use On-The-Fly group mapping.
I. Manual Group Mapping
Check Restrict User Creation Based on Group Mapping option if you want new users to be
created only if at least one of the user's OAuth/OpenID Provider groups is mapped to a group in the
For mapping, first select a Jira group from the dropdown which lists all groups present in Jira and
then enter the name of the OAuth/OpenID Provider group to be mapped in the textbox beside
For example, if you want all users in 'dev' group in OAuth/OpenID Provider to be added to
jira-software-users, you will need to select jira-software-users from the dropdown and enter 'dev'
against jira-software-users.
Use '+1' and '+10' buttons to add extra mapping fields.
Use '-' button next to each mapping to delete that mapping.
II. On-The Fly Group Mapping
Check Create New Groups option if you want new groups from OAuth/OpenID Provider to be
created if not found in Jira.
If the user is part of some group in Jira and that group is not present in the OAuth/OpenID response
returned by OAuth/OpenID Provider, then the user will be removed from that group in Jira.
If you don't want On-The-Fly group mapping to affect Jira groups which are managed locally then add
those groups in Exclude Groups field.
Step 5: Sign In Settings
The settings in the SSO Settings tab define the user experience for Single Sign On.
a. Sign In Settings
Set Enable SSO for Jira Software to allow SSO for Jira Software users.
Change the text on the SSO button on the login page using the Login Button Text option.
Set the Relay State to the URL to which the users would be redirected after login. Keep
this empty to redirect users to the same page they started with.
Enable Auto-redirect to OAuth/OpenId Provider if you want to allow users to login only
using OAuth/OpenId Provider. Enable backdoor for emergency.
Restrict the access of backdoor URL to limited users by using the Restrict backdoor URL
access based on user groups feature.
Use Domain Restriction to allow login to only a specific set of users. You can configure
multiple domains (semicolon-separated).
For example, if only 'miniorange.com' and 'gmail.com' domains are allowed then, the user test@miniorange.com
and test@gmail.com will be able to log in and user test@yahoo.com will not be able to login.
Select Secure Admin Login Options to control admin access. User needs to authenticate again
to access admin settings or to perform any admin operation. This helps you to add an extra level of security
for admin access.
b. Service Desk SSO Settings
Set Enable SSO For ServiceDesk Customer Portal to allow SSO for Service Desk user.
Set Enable SSO Only For Agents to allow SSO only for specific set of users.
Enable Auto-redirect to Provider if you want to allow users to login to ServiceDesk only
using provider and use Disable Auto Redirect to Provider to allow basic login for selective
customer portals.
c. Sign Out Settings
Set Logout URL or Logout Template to redirect users after logout action.
d. SSO Error Settings
Set error template to redirect users to a custom error page instead of
login page. Use this if you have Auto-redirect to Provider enabled.
e. Advanced SSO Settings
Set the restriction to access of Plugin API outside the Jira environment by Restrict access to
plugin API's.
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