User Sync and Group Sync for G Suite

User Sync & Group Sync app syncs user and group information from G Suite to Jira, Confluence and Bitbucket. Users, groups and directory details can by synced user group attributes. Sync can be performed manually, scheduled to run after set time intervals, or during user login.
This way the administrator only needs to manage user accounts in G Suite. This reduces the administration time required to create users and groups in Atlassian modules such as Jira, Confluence and Bitbucket.

Download And Installation

  • Log into your atlassian instance as admin.
  • Navigate to the settings menu and Click Manage Apps.
  • Click on Find new apps .
  • Locate miniOrange User and Group Sync app.
  • Click Try free to begin a new trial or Buy now to purchase a license.
  • Enter your information and click Generate license when redirected to MyAtlassian.
  • Click Apply license.

Step 1: Setup G Suite

  • Log in to Google API console with administrator privileges.
  • Click on NEW PROJECT.
  • sync users, groups and directory details using G Suite into Jira and Confluence
  • Enter name for Your project and click on create.
  • sync users, groups and directory details using G Suite into Jira and Confluence
  • Now, select newly created project from drop-down.
  • sync users, groups and directory details using G Suite into Jira and Confluence
  • sync users, groups and directory details using G Suite into Jira and Confluence
  • Search for Admin SDK ,Now click on enable.
  • sync users, groups and directory details using G Suite into Jira and Confluence
  • Navigate to OAuth consent screen in the left panel.Select User Type External and enter app name User provisioning.
  • sync users, groups and directory details using G Suite into Jira and Confluence sync users, groups and directory details using G Suite into Jira and Confluence
  • Now, click on Credentials in the left panel.
  • Select Create credentials ⇒ OAuth Cleint Id..
  • sync users, groups and directory details using G Suite into Jira and Confluence
  • Select Web application.
  • Enter Authorized redirect URIs. Eg. <server-base-url>/plugins/servlet/usersync/callback. Replace <server-base-url> with your Atlassian module Server BaseURL.
  • Now click on create.
  • Copy Client ID and Client Secret.This will be required while Configuring User Sycn app.
  • sync users, groups and directory details using G Suite into Jira and Confluence

Step 2: Setup User Sync & Group Sync app

  • Open User Provisioning/Sync for Bitbucket plugin configuration. Go to the Configuration tab. Select Google Apps from the options.
  • User and gruop provisioning in Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket Select Provider
  • Fill in values according to the table below.
  • App Name Enter unique name which you can identify in applist after configuration.
    G Suite ClientId Enter G-suite Client ID which you will find in Credentials in the left panel.
    G Suite Client Secret Enter G-Suite Client secret which you will find in Credentials in the left panel.
    Regex on Username Enter the regex and replacement to change the username received from Cloud application. For eg: To transform to demouser, enter (.*)@.* as regex and $1 as replacement.
    Set Scheduler Time Interval To synchronize user and group information, choose the scheduler time interval.
    Enable Import Users To import all active G Suite Users with their groups.
    Enable Update Users If you wish to update existing User in Atlassian module.
    sync users, groups and directory details using G Suite into Jira and Confluence
  • click on Save Settings.

Step 3: User Sync Settings

  • Select the User Sync Settings tab from the left sidebar. Here you can configure different settings about user creation and updation.
  • User and gruop provisioning in Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket User Sync
  • You can select the directory or can create a new one. Furthermore, you can choose from the following operations for provisioning users.
  • You also have an option to set Default Project Lead and Default Component Lead.

Step 4: Group Sync Settings

  • Select the Group Sync Settings tab from the left sidebar. Here you can configure different settings about group creation and group mapping.
  • User and gruop provisioning in Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket Group Sync
  • Here you can configure Default groups for new and all users.
  • You can set Manual Group Mapping or On-The Fly Group Mapping.
  • 1. Manual Group Mapping -

    • Here you can manually map Bitbucket groups with the groups from IDP.
    • You can also configure to import IDP groups, filter groups and whether to keep existing users or not.
    User and gruop provisioning in Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket Manual Group Mapping

    2. On-The Fly Group Mapping -

    • Here users will be assigned to groups in Bitbucket whose group name is the same as groups from IDP. If the group doesn't exist in Bitbucket then it will be created.
    • You can configure to keep the existing user groups, filter groups and apply regular expressions on the groups.
    User and gruop provisioning in Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket On The Fly Group Mapping

Step 5: Synchronization Process

  • To perform user sync, click on the Synchronize option of your newly created app.
  • When the synchronization is complete, you will be able to view newly created and updated user information in Bitbucket User Management section.
User and gruop provisioning in Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket Synchronize

6: Multiple IDPs

  • The plugin allows for configuring SCIM provisioning on your SP (Service Provider) to accommodate your specific use case. To add another IDP, simply navigate to the "Configured IDPs" section. Select on Add new App to configure multiple provisioning connections.
User and gruop provisioning in Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket Synchronize

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