Bulk User Management for Jira

Bulk User Management for the Jira app, gives the ability to automatically and efficiently manage users in JIRA and automatically deactivate inactive users to save licensed user count. Here we will go through a guide to configure Bulk User management with Jira. By the end of the guide, You can bulk Activate, Bulk Delete and, Automatically Identify inactive users based on their last login time and deactivate users on a regular basis.


To configure Bulk User Management for Jira, you need the following items:

  • Jira should be installed and configured.
  • Admin credentials are set up in Jira.
  • Valid Jira Server or Data center Licence.

Download And Installation

  • Log into your Jira instance as an admin.
  • Navigate to the settings menu and Click Manage Apps.
  • Setup Bulk User Management
  • Click Find new apps or find new add-ons from the left-hand side of the page.
  • Locate Bulk User Management for JIRA via search.
  • Click Try free to begin a new trial or buy now to purchase a license for Bulk User Management for Jira.
  • Enter your information and click Generate license when redirected to MyAtlassian.
  • Click Apply for a license.
  • Setup Bulk User Management

Step 1: Setup Bulk User Management

  • In the MINIORANGE USER MANAGEMENT section, Click on the Bulk User Management section.
  • You can search or filter the active, inactive or all the users based on their groups.
  • Search or filter users based on their activity status (active, inactive, or all) or their information.
  • - Search for users by their usernames or their email addresses.
    - Filter users based on selected groups. Multiple groups can be selected.
    - Filter users based on directory. It filters users from both internal and external directories.
    - Choose the number of users per page to display in the table. By default, it is set to 20, with additional options for 10, 50, and 100 users per page.
    - Filter users based on date range. Users with the last login time between the start and end dates will be filtered. Set the start date as 01-01-1970 and the end date as current to disable the date filter.

    Setup Bulk User Management fo Jira, Bulk action management to inactivate deactivate users
  • You can filter users by their last login or alphabetically.
  • Select multiple users across different pages for bulk operations using the associated checkboxes, and the total number of selected users will be shown in 'Selected Users'.
  • Setup Bulk User Management fo Jira, Bulk action management to inactivate deactivate users
  • Apply operations like activate, deactivate, or delete the users in bulk using the Action on User dropdown. Also, add or remove the users from the groups in bulk using the Action on group dropdown.
  • Setup Bulk User Management fo Jira, Bulk action management to inactivate deactivate users
  • After selecting the required options from the dropdown, click on the Apply button.
  • Export users by clicking on the 'Export Users' button. Only selected users will be exported if you select at least one user. If you have not selected any user, then all users will be exported.
  • On selected users you can also perform action on users & action on groups at a time.
  • Setup Bulk User Management fo Jira, Bulk action management to inactivate deactivate users

Step 2: Setup Users Auto Deactivation

  • Navigate to the User Management Tab.
  • In the MINIORANGE USER MANAGEMENT section, Click on the Activate/Deactivate Users section.
  • If the Enable Reactivate Users option is enabled, then any inactive user who tries to log in and authenticates successfully will be activated. You can add groups to them after a successful login.
  • You can also add groups to active users after a successful login.
  • Setup Bulk User Management fo Jira, Bulk action management to inactivate deactivate users
  • If you wish to deactivate a user or revoke their application access after a certain number of days of inactivity, you can enable the Auto Deactivate Users or Revoke Application Access option and set the number of days accordingly. By default, it is set to 30 days automatically.
  • "You can also add a suffix to the user’s name after deactivating them. If you don’t want to add one, simply leave the input box empty."
  • You can send deactivation alert emails to users a certain number of days before deactivation by setting the appropriate number of days. Additionally, you can customize the email subject and email text.
  • If you want to deactivate or revoke application access from a user who has never logged in, then enable the Deactivate Never Logged-In Users option. You can also send mail to never-logged-in users a certain number of days before deactivation by setting the appropriate number of days.
  • Setup Bulk User Management fo Jira, Bulk management deactivate user
  • If you want to deactivate users who have only logged in once, then enable the Deactivate Only Logged-In Once Users option.
  • You can apply a Directory filter to deactivate or revoke application access only for users present in the provided directory.
  • If you do not want to Auto-deactivate users or do not want to revoke application access from specific groups, then enable the Exclude group for Auto Deactivation option. After enabling this option, you will get a dropdown to select the groups.
  • You can set the Custom Time at which the Scheduler will start running where if the selected time (in hours and minutes) is before the current time, then the scheduler will start after the days mentioned below and if it is after the current time, then it will run on the day itself and after that according to scheduled days.
  • Setup Bulk User Management fo Jira, Bulk action management to inactivate deactivate users

Step 3: Bulk Group Management

  • In the MINIORANGE USER MANAGEMENT section, Click on the Bulk Group Management section. Here, you can create, import, export, and delete groups in bulk.
  • You can create groups by adding a group name in the Enter group names field, You can add multiple groups at a time by adding multiple group names separated by semicolons.
  • You can also add groups by importing them from a .CSV file.
  • You can export groups as a .CSV file, which includes group names. Additionally, you can select the option to include the No. of Users in Group for each group in the .CSV file.
  • Setup Bulk User Management fo Jira, Bulk action management to inactivate deactivate users
  • Select the required groups that you want to delete from the Select Groups dropdown. You can select multiple groups here.
  • Then click on the Delete Button.
  • Note: Groups with Admin Access will not be deleted.

    Setup Bulk User Management fo Jira, Bulk action management to inactivate deactivate users

Step 4: Import Export Users

  • In the MINIORANGE USER MANAGEMENT section, Click on the Import Export Users section.
  • To import the users, you need to upload a .CSV file. You will find the format by clicking on the download link as highlighted in the below image.
  • Enable Send Mail to Newly Imported Users to send a user-created email (HTML or TEXT) to newly imported users through a .CSV file. You can modify the email subject and template.
  • You can send a password reset link in an email to newly imported users by enabling Send Password Reset Email to New Users.
  • Setup Bulk User Management fo Jira, Bulk action management to inactivate deactivate users
  • From the given options select the user details which you want to export.
  • Setup Bulk User Management fo Jira, Bulk action management to inactivate deactivate users

Step 5: Bulk User Management Plugin Audit Logs

  • To get all the details of the actions performed in the Bulk User Management plugin, click on the mo Audit Log option from the left menu in the MINIORANGE USER MANAGEMENT section.
  • Enable the Auto Delete Audit Logs option to automatically delete the logs after the numbers of days mentioned in the Days text field.
  • The logs include details like Username, Date, IP Address, Action, log status, and Description of the Action performed.
  • You can export audit logs in a .CSV file based on the above filters.
  • You can filter the logs based on Actions such as User Deactivated, User Activated, User Deleted, Removed from Group, Added to Group, Imported Users, Scheduler Enabled, Scheduler Disabled, Group Created, Group Deleted, Delete Logs Scheduler Enabled, Delete Logs Scheduler Disabled, and User Reactivated.
  • Setup Bulk User Management fo Jira, Bulk action management to inactivate deactivate users

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