miniOrange SCIM Server application is used for outbound provisioning using SCIM protocol. In outbound provisioning, A user gets provisioned from miniOrange to another application using SCIM protocol.
Go to Apps >> Provisioning >> SCIM Server (Destination).
Enter the SCIM Base URL (Provisioning url) and Bearer Token of your Application and do the Test Connection.
You can add more attributes according to your requirements. ( Optional )
You can enable the following options as per your requirements:
Click on Save.
2. Create Group
Go to Groups > Create Group. Enter the Group Name and click on Create Group button and the group will be created.
3. Add Policy
In the Policies section, navigate to Add Policy tab.
In Select Application section, select the application you have created in step2.
In Configure Settings section, select the group you have created in step4 and enter the policy name with the required login method.
Click on Save button.
4. Add Users
Go to Users > Add User.
Enter the Users Details and the user will be created.
5. Assign Users
Go to Groups.
Assign the users to the Group you have created in step4.
Verify that the users are assigned to the groups.
6. Deprovisioning the user
If you want to de-provision the user. Make sure you have the Add/Remove Group membership of User option enabled in your miniOrange SCIM server application, you can enable it by editing the application.
To De-provision any user you can either delete the user from the miniorange or remove the user from the group associated with the application.
Steps to remove a user from the Group
Go to the Groups section in the left navigation panel > Manage Groups.
Click on the Users field for the group, you have created previously.
Select the user you want to remove from the group.
Click on Select Action.
Select Remove from the Group.
Click on Apply.
Steps to delete a user in miniOrange
Go to the Users section in the left navigation panel > User List.
Click on the select option for the user you want to remove.