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SSO & MFA solution for 
Legacy Applications

A solution that extends modern authentication for users into enterprise legacy applications which allows them to login across both modern and legacy applications using the same username and password.

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Legacy Apps SSO & MFA Solutions

Need for extending Single Sign-On (SSO) to Legacy Application

Traditional Web applications, more commonly referred to as Legacy applications pre-date the modern Authentication schemas and use WAM systems to manage authentication and authorization. Hence modern SSO protocols like SAML, OAuth, and OpenID protocols cannot be used to manage authentication and enable SSO in these applications.
Our legacy SSO Solution acts as an intermediate between the Legacy Authentication schema and Modern authentication schema to enable SSO for both Application types (Cloud-based apps and legacy) using a single set of login credentials.

What Do We Offer?

Adopting Standards

Embracing SSO standards such as SAML for application access helps maintain IT architecture flexible.

Enhanced protection

Verify user identity with multiple authentication factors like MFA, IP Restriction, threat detection and password blacklists.

Host your users anywhere

Users hosted in Enterprise Directory like Azure AD, Office365, Google Apps or any 3rd party providers using SAML, OAuth, Database, APIs etc.

Secure and Extensible

With 6000+ applications already and growing, scale up the adaption of applications without any hassle.

Supports Cross Protocol

Integrate Cross Protocol Single Sign-On (SSO) which supports SAML, OAuth, OpenId Connect, JWT, etc.

Remove Redundancy

By fully exploiting the features of IdaaS, legacy WAM providers can be completely eliminated from the environment.

Our Unified Solution

miniOrange IAM opens up your Legacy Applications to modern authenticaton & authorization schemes by acting as a bridge between your Enterprise Authentication Solution & your Legacy Applications that support only HTTP Header-based authentication.

Legacy Apps Single Sign-On (SSO) Authentication

Legacy Apps MFA

Add additional layer of security to your legacy apps

With miniorange you can extend the additional layer of authetication to the leagacy applications, and prompt users to pass secondary authentication before allowing them to access the company ressources.

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"As a new government agency in charge of a massive untapped market, security against data breaches and hacking is critical for the organization's smooth operation, as is protecting the data of its employees and contractors. As a result..."

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