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Security Solutions for 
K-12 Education

Enhance the student login experience with Single Sign-on (SSO), enabling unified access to dashboard apps.

  QR codes & pictograph authentication making SSO easier for kids.

  Additional layer of security to secure privileged accounts, through MFA

  Restrict student & staff accounts based on calculating risk factors.

  Streamline account management for students & staff through existing identity sources

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Identity Management for K12 Schools - miniOrange

20,000 +

Customers over the globe


On Multiple review Platform

  Competitive Pricing

  A solution that is tailored to your specific needs

  24 * 7 Worldwide support

We design security solutions customized to meet the needs of K-12 educational institutions

miniOrange’s security solutions for K-12 educational institutes have enhanced better communication and collaboration among teachers and students. For school districts trying to accomplish more with fewer resources, a potent Identity and access management (IAM) solution has been developed.
Having worked with hundreds of school districts for over a decade, we have excelled in tackling IAM login issues, student data syncing, and access management. We also equip staff admin, teachers, & students with all the necessary technological resources.

Our Features

Easy Integration

There is no need to migrate, we can connect directly to your existing LMS, databases, and identity sources.

Multiple Support

We have prebuilt integrations with multiple K12 apps, that support SAML, OAuth, JWT, and related protocols.

Compliance Support

miniOrange supports GDPR & COPPA compliances since we understand the security and data confidentiality of your educational Institution.

Competitive Pricing

Our price plan is based on educational institutions to provide seamless educational experience with effective pricing structure.

Check out our IAM solutions for your Digital Educational Platform

Enhance student login experience with SSO

Keeping track of multiple login credentials can be a tedious task for students, so miniOrange offers a one-click access tool. Here, a single set of login credentials offers unified access to various application dashboards through SSO. With Single Sign-On students and teachers + staff can access multiple K12 applications like Seesaw, Managebac, Classlink, Thinkific, etc. These login credentials can be of your existing Identity Source - Google, Microsoft, or your SIS Systems.

A child of 5 or 6 years old cannot manage passwords in any way, as password management is a difficult task for adults. To make Single Sign-On easier for kids, miniOrange offers kids-friendly authentication methods such as QR code and pictograph authentication methods.

Single Sign On

Identity Management for K12 Schools - miniOrange
Identity Management for K12 Schools - miniOrange

Automation and Identity Lifecycle Management for Students and Staff

We have single-handedly managed thousands of students, teachers, staff, & parents' accounts efficiently. Additionally, these accounts undergo frequent changes such as new batches coming in, old students passing out, ex-students turning into alumni, etc. It is now possible to automate these tasks and seamlessly manage account creation, edits, and deletion into your Existing Identity Sources.

Lifecycle Management

Secure privileged accounts through MFA

Using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), privileged accounts such as of teachers and higher authority privileged staff’s accounts can be secured. Even if the credentials are stolen or get into the hands of an unauthorized person, they cannot get access to the system. MFA checks the identities of privileged accounts at all major access entry points such as logging into the dashboard. This adds an additional layer of identity security. On top of it, you have the flexibility to choose from a range of MFA methods. miniOrange offers 15+ MFA methods.

15+ MFA Methods
Multi-Factor Authentication Workflow

Identity Management for K12 Schools - miniOrange

Restrict access to resources based on IP devices, geolocation, and time

Student and staff accounts can be restricted based on specific factors like IP devices, geo-location, and time. Our solutions can also calculate risk factors associated with certain accounts and accordingly allow or deny access to a particular account.

  • IP: A certain set of mobile and device IPs can be whitelisted, so students and staff can log in through those listed IP devices only.
  • Time: Restrict access to sensitive resources post-school hours
  • Devices: Restrict the number of devices from where a user can access educational resources, ensuring that the incoming request is from a known device or from your school’s issued one.

IP Restriction

MFA for VPN and network devices

If your educational institute has an infrastructure where VPN, along with multiple switches and routers have been used for connectivity; it is now possible to enable additional security by allowing MFA on those as well.

Identity Management for K12 Schools - miniOrange

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