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BigCommerce Passwordless Login

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miniOrange offers a Passwordless Login solution for BigCommerce Store, providing a secure & convenient authentication method. This feature eliminates the need for users to enter passwords, enhancing security and simplifying the login process for a seamless and user-friendly experience within the BigCommerce platform.

BigCommerce Passwordless feature offers following benefits:

  • Streamlines access, saving time for users, and potentially increasing conversion rates due to faster logins.
  • Flexibility with customizable settings to align with specific store requirements and branding.
  • Improves user experience by eliminating the need to remember or reset passwords, creating a positive interaction within the BigCommerce store.

Verified Technology Partner of BigCommerce

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miniOrange offers free help through a consultation call with our System Engineers to Install or Setup BigCommerce SSO solution in your environment with 30-day free trial.

For this, you need to just send us an email at idpsupport@xecurify.com to book a slot and we'll help you in no time.

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  • Create an account (OR) Login into miniOrange Admin Console.
  • Click on Customization in the left menu of the dashboard.
  • In Basic Settings, set your company domain in Organization Name textfield.
  • Click Save. Once that is set, the branded login URL would be of the format https://<company_domain>.xecurify.com/moas/login
  • BigCommerce Passwordless Login : setting up branding

Follow the step-by-step guide given below for BigCommerce Passwordless Login

1. Create BigCommerce API

  • Log in to BigCommerce Admin Panel.
  • Go to the Settings from the menu, scroll down to API section.
  • BigCommerce Passwordless Login: API account

  • Click on Store-level API Accounts and choose Create V2/V3 API Token option from the menu shown.
  • Add a suitable name for your API account.
  • API Path will be used as the store_hash value when we configure BigCommerce in miniOrange which will require in step2.
  • BigCommerce Passwordless Login: API Path

  • Enable the Customers option as Modify and Customers Login option as login. Keep rest of the settings as it is.
  • Click on Save.
  • BigCommerce Passwordless Login: API Configuration

  • Download the API credentials file. It contains the API token, Client ID and Client Secret.
  • BigCommerce Passwordless Login: API Credential Download

2. Configure BigCommerce in miniOrange

  • Login into miniOrange Admin Console.
  • Go to Apps Click on Add Application button.
  • BigCommerce Passwordless Login add app

  • In Choose Application Type click on Create App button in JWT application type.
  • BigCommerce Passwordless Login choose JWT as app type

  • In the next step, search for BigCommerce application from the list and click on it.
  • BigCommerce Passwordless Login: Select BigCommerce Application

  • Enter the following values in the respective fields.
    1. Custom Application Name [Required] : BigCommerce (According to your choice)
    2. Description : According to your choice
    3. Redirect-URL [Required] : {{Your BigCommerce Store URL}}/login/token/
    4. Logout-URL : {{Your BigCommerce Store URL}}
    5. Force Authentication : Enable if you want user to authenticate even if the user has a session
    6. Primary IDP : The identity source against which user will be authenticated
    7. User Mapping : Enable if you are sending the logged-in user from this app in the response
    BigCommerce Passwordless Login: add jwt app

    1. Group Name : Default
    2. Policy Name : Add policy name according to your Preference
    3. Login Method : Password
    BigCommerce Passwordless Login: add jwt app

  • Click on Save.
  • For Attribute Mapping, navigate to Select >> Edit next to your configured application.
  • BigCommerce Passwordless Login: add jwt app

  • Enter the Client Id, App Secret and Access Token (which we have downloaded from step 1 during API creation in BigCommerce Console).
  • For Signature Algorithm, select HS-256 from the dropdown menu.
  • Set Subject to E-Mail Address.
  • BigCommerce Passwordless Login: configure Client ID and Client Secret

  • To map the attributes between the miniOrange IDP and BigCommerce application, click on Attributes + button.
  • The first three attributes will be hard-coded values.
  • Attribute NameAttribute Value
    store_hashYou got in this step.
    redirect_toEndpoint where you wish to redirect the user to after sso. [Homepage or account page e.g. /account.php]
  • The last three values are to be given by the user.
  • Attribute Mapping

  • Click on Save.
  • Now, You can access BigCommerce Account Using IDP credentials through the Single-sign-on URL as shown in image above.

3. Configure Your User Directory

There are two ways to add users in miniOrange:

4. Create Policy for Passwordless Login

  • Go to Policies and click on App Login Policy.
  • BigCommerce Passwordless login: App Login Policy

  • You will see a list of policies along with your default BigCommerce app policy here.
  • Click on the Edit button against the BigCommerce policy.
  • BigCommerce Passwordless login: Edit BigCommerce Policy

  • Under Login Method, select the OTP/Push/Mobile Token (Password-Less Login) option from the dropdown menu.
  • Enable the Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) option.
  • BigCommerce Passwordless login: Edit BigCommerce Policy

  • Click on Save.

5. Test SSO Configuration

  • For testing SSO configurations, you will need the SSO initiating URL. Edit the JWT app you just created and scroll to the bottom, you will see a SSO URL for using miniOrange as Authentication Source.
  • BigCommerce Passwordless Login: create script

  • Copy the SSO URL and hit it in an incognito/private window. You should be redirected to your IDP and after successful login, be redirected to your store as a logged-in user.
  • BigCommerce login
  • If the above step is successful, we now need to add the SSO URL against the login links in your storefront.

6. Configure Single Sign-On (SSO) and Single Logout (SLO) in BigCommerce

  • Download the script to initiate Single Sign-On in BigCommerce.
  • Navigate to Storefront >> Script Manager.
  • Click on create a script and add the script file which you have downloaded earlier in the footer of the page.
  • BigCommerce Passwordless Login: create script

  • Enable settings as given in the image below:
  • BigCommerce Passwordless Login: enable settings

  • A text box will be opened where you can add the downloaded script.
  • BigCommerce Passwordless Login: Script

  • Replace the above pointed url by your BigCommerce SSO url.
  • BigCommerce Single Sign-On (SSO) can be found at your BigCommerce app configuration in miniOrange which is given below.
  • BigCommerce Passwordless Login: Script

  • Download the script to initiate Single Logout in BigCommerce.
  • Navigate to Storefront >> Script Manager.
  • Click on create a script and add the script file which you have downloaded earlier in the footer of the page.
  • BigCommerce Passwordless Login: create script

  • Enable settings as given in the image below:
  • BigCommerce Passwordless Login: enable settings

  • A text box will be opened where you can add the downloaded script.
  • BigCommerce Passwordless Login: Script

  • Replace the above pointed url by below BigCommerce SLO url:
{{mO organizational url}}/idp/oidc/logout?post_logout_redirect_uri={{your bigcommerce store url}}/login.php?action=logout
  • Here, replace the {{mO organizational url}} with the highlighted URL below, found at your SSO url in your app configuration.
  • BigCommerce Passwordless Login: mO URL

  • Replace the {{bigcommerce store url}} with your bigcommerce store url.

External References

Frequently Asked Questions

One of the most common passwordless login methods used by organizations is One-Time Password (OTP) over SMS or phone. This method allows users to skip entering login credentials traditionally and directly access the apps with a one-time password sent to their phone or email.

Yes, we support SSO into BigCommerce using Microsoft Entra ID , Okta and Office 365 credentials.

If the user does not exist in your BigCommerce store, our SSO solution will automatically create the user on BigCommerce and perform a seamless login.

Yes, we support social login providers such as google, facebook, twitter and many more. You can set up your Social login app by following this guide:BigCommerce Social Login.

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