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Import Bulk Users

Bulk User Management : Bulk operation for creation, deletion, update.

  • Go to Users >> Manage Users.
  • Download the Sample CSV file “bulkUserCsvSample”.
  • Depending on which operation you want to perform add, delete, update. Add the keyword under “Action” column for expected change.

    Note : We need username and email id for delete action.

  • You can check all the following operations:
    • If you use "Add", refer to the following image:
    • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: under action and enter add keyword

    • If you use a "Delete" operation, follow the below image:
    • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: under action, enter delete

    • If you use an "Update" operation, follow the below image:
    • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: Enter update in action

  • Once all the needful information is update, "Upload" the file and you will receive an alert on your email id regarding the status for your request.