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Manage Users

In the Manage users section, you gain a detailed understanding of how to manage users effectively within the dashboard environment. This section allows you to perform all user-related activities, including creating users & groups, bulk user uploads, onboarding users, etc. You will also be able to perform operations related to updating and managing user roles.

How to create a new User:

  • Go to Users >> User List from the left menu and click on Add User button on the top right corner of the page.
  • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: Add user

  • Enter the User details for User under the Personal Details section.
    Email The email of the User
    Username The username of the User
    First Name First Name of the User
    Last Name Last Name of the User
    Phone The phone no. of the User along with the country code.
    • If you want to create the user with a password then you can enter a password here.
    • If you want the user to set the password, then leave this field empty, you will have to manually send the password reset mail to the user in this case from the onboarding section.
    • You can also enable this option from product settings to automatically send password reset emails when a new user account is created.
  • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: User Details

  • Bulk User Management : Bulk operation for creation, deletion, and update.
    • Go to Users >> Manage Users.
    • Download the Sample CSV file “bulkUserCsvSample”.
    • Depending on which operation you want to perform add, delete, update. Add the keyword under “Action” column for expected change.

      Note : We need username and email id for delete action.

    • You can check all the following operations:
      • If you use "Add", refer to the following image:
      • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: under action and enter add keyword

      • If you use a "Delete" operation, follow the below image:
      • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: under action, enter delete

      • If you use an "Update" operation, follow the below image:
      • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: Enter update in action

    • Once all the needful information is update, "Upload" the file and you will receive an alert on your email id regarding the status for your request.
  • Then you go to Users >> User List from the side menu and click on the Select button against a user from the list, you will see options as shown below. The functionality of each of them is explained below in details.
    Edit Opens the User Edit window where you can update User profile details such as Email, Name, and Phone No. And if you have configured any custom User attributes then those can also be updated from the edit page.
    View Groups This option opens the User Group Details screen where you can view all the groups the current user is part of. Additionally, you can perform the following operations from this Screen:
    • Remove user from a Group/Groups
      • Select the radio button against the group/groups from which you want to remove the user.
      • Click on the Select Action dropdown and select the remove option.
      • Click on apply to update user group membership details.
    • Add User to a Group.
      • Click on the Assign Groups button to go to the required screen.
      • On the loaded page you will be able to see list of groups the user is not part of.
      • Select the radio button against the group/groups you want to add the user to.
      • Click on the Select Action dropdown and click on assign to the user.
      • Click on apply to update user group membership details.
    Change Second Factor This option opens a Modal from which you can select the 2FA method that you want to set as default for the User. If MFA is enabled for any application, then the user will be prompted for MFA with the 2FA method set as default for the user.Note : For Few of the 2FA methods, prior configuration from user dashboard is required.
    Remove User identity This option is used to remove the 2FA configuration as well as the Password for user. This is useful when you want the user to reset his password and 2FA methods similar to newly created user.
    Password Reset This option is used to send a Password Reset email to the user using which they can set a new password for their account.
    Set Password Expiry IF you set this, the current user password will expire on the provided date and will not work after that. They will receive an email with steps to set the new Password.
    Reset User MFA This will reset the user MFA method if MFA is enforced for the end users at the time of first login.
    Update Device limit This option opens a popup using which you can set/reset the Device registration Limit for the user. Based on the value set here, the user is allowed to register unique devices. You can also reset the device registration limit to the default value by clicking on the Reset to Default button.
    Delete To delete a User and remove all details related to it.
    Disable a User This option is used when you want to disable the user logins without deleting user. If a user is disabled, he will not be able to login to any of the applications as well as the end-user dashboard To enable a disabled user, click on the select dropdown against it and select the Enable user option.
    All Active Sessions All active sessions of the selected user's devices are monitored and managed using this option.
  • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: User list options

    User Onboarding:

    The User On-boarding section shows details about the users who have not completed their account onboarding process and have not set a password for their account, hence they will not be able to authenticate.

    How to View non-onboarded users:
    • Go to Users > Users List from the Side Menu and then select the On-Boarding Status tab.
    • you have non-onboarded users, they will be shown in the list.
    • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: Onboarding status

    • You can also click on the User-Onboarding Status button to check the statistics for on-boarded and non-onboarded users.
    • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: Onboarding status

    How to Onboard non-onboarded Users :

    • In the User List, click on the select radio button against the users you want to onboard.
    • Once you have selected all the required users, click on the Select Action dropdown and select the Send Activation Mail with Password Reset Link option.
    • Click on Apply to send the password reset email to the selected users.
    • All selected users from the non-onboarded list will receive an email on the registered email address which will contain the password reset link using which they can set a password for their account. You can also send welcome emails to the users.

    How to Identify Onboarded/Not-Onboarded Users: 

    If you go to Users -> User List from the side menu and check the User List You can identify an onboarded User having a green User icon before the email address, while a non-onboarded user will have a red User icon before the email address.

    miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: User List