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Single Sign On  Solution

The Single Sign-On solution, from the best SSO provider, centralizes & synchronizes user credentials across various devices. It enables access to multiple applications through a single set of login credentials thus eliminating the need for multiple logins.

  Facilitates SSO across applications such as legacy, & in-house, which do not support any standard protocols.

  Supports SAML, OAuth, & JWT protocols for versatile SSO implementation.

  Providing integrated login capabilities for LMS & CMS platforms.

  SSO solution seamlessly integrate with all your applications

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SSO Solution

What is SSO Solution?

Single Sign-On (SSO) solutions is a user authentication solution that enables access to multiple applications with a single set of login credentials. It streamlines the login process by merging various application sign-ins into a single authentication step, eliminating multiple logins.

The miniOrange SSO solution uses a centralized identity provider that supports widely used protocols such as SAML, OAuth, and JWT. This centralization facilitates effortless integration with diverse applications, including mobile, legacy, in-house, and LMS/CMS platforms. By leveraging these protocols, the SSO solution ensures compatibility across a diverse range of systems, providing a secure authentication experience for users, irrespective of the platform they are accessing.

How Does SSO Work?

SSO Service

SSO is initiated by establishing trust between the application or service and an external service provider, referred to as an Identity Provider (IdP). This is achieved through a series of authentication, validation, and communication steps conducted between the application and a centralized SSO service. Centralized Authentication, a core component of SSO, allows all applications—including third-party apps—to utilize a unified authentication service to verify a user’s identity.

SSO token authentication

SSO utilizes token-based permissions where encrypted tokens are securely transmitted between the server and the apps using identity standards such as SAML, OAuth, and OpenID Connect. An SSO token is a digital file that has user information, like a username or email address. When a user seeks access to an application, the application exchanges this SSO token with the SSO service to authenticate the user's identity.

Universal Access

miniOrange's SSO Solution capabilities function as a comprehensive authentication authority, enabling secure access to all necessary applications from any device for any user. This ensures seamless connectivity and enhanced security across various platforms.

SSO Solution: oracle
SSO Solution: slack
Single Sign On Solution: react
Single Sign On Solution: aws
Single Sign On Solution: zoom

Unlock Seamless Access to 6000+ Pre-Built Integrations

Deploy SSO across Cloud-based, On-Premise, & Legacy Apps without the hassle of individual integration maintenance.

Single Sign On Solution: wordpress
SSO Solution: google
SSO Solution: node
SSO Solution: atlassian
Single Sign On Solution: office365

SSO Solution Provided by miniOrange

Unified Access with Standardized Protocols for SSO

The Single Sign-On (SSO) solution is designed to simplify your online experience, offering a unified access gateway that supports all standardized protocols. It offers a seamless login with a wide range of applications, ensuring compatibility and flexibility.

The SSO solutions support major authentication protocols SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language), OAuth (Open Authorization), and JWT (JSON Web Tokens) SSO protocols. Our SSO solution streamlines the process, offering a secure, unified access gateway.

Single Sign On Solution: SSO protocols and integrations

SSO Solution: legacy SSO Apps

Legacy SSO Apps

Seamless SSO Integration for Legacy Applications: At miniOrange, we understand the challenge of integrating modern SAML-based authentication with legacy applications (like Oracle, SAP, & Outlook web exchange) that lack support for such advanced protocols. The SSO solution extends the capabilities of Identity Providers, ensuring that even legacy systems benefit from modern, secure authentication methods.

Mobile Apps SSO

Mobile Apps SSO is a key security practice for workforce enterprise applications, increasingly used in apps that function as password managers. However, storing and processing passwords on mobile devices raises security concerns, especially if the device is lost or stolen, posing a risk of password theft.

To address these challenges, the company offers solutions for both Android and iOS applications, providing centralized authentication to streamline the transition between traditional websites and modern apps. miniOrange's mobile SDKs boost efficiency by compressing data automatically and streamlining API integration for registration and login processes. As a leading SSO vendor, miniOrange addresses security concerns in enterprise apps, especially in mobile password management.

SSO Solution: Mobile Apps SSO

Single Sign On Solution: Identity Brokering SSO

Identity Brokering SSO

The Brokering Single Sign-On (SSO) Solution acts as an intermediary, forming trusted connections between your identity providers (IdPs) and service providers (SPs). It enables cross-protocol authentication, allowing users to access multiple applications with their existing IDP Credentials.

This functionality simplifies and secures user access by leveraging existing identities from various IDPs, such as Active Directory and integrates them into diverse service environments. The process involves configuring the IdP, like Active Directory in miniOrange and then setting up miniOrange as a Service Provider in the IdP’s settings. This approach ensures easy and secure login access across different platforms.

SSO for Employees, Customers in React Applications

miniOrange offers specialized SSO solutions catering to different user groups: employees, customers, and applications built using React. Employee SSO enables seamless access to internal systems and tools, enhancing productivity by reducing login redundancies across corporate networks.

Customer SSO improves user experience by providing a single login for accessing multiple services, which is crucial for customer retention and satisfaction. For developers, React SSO integrates easily with React applications, ensuring secure and efficient user authentication. This tailored approach ensures that all types of users benefit from a streamlined, secure login experience, tailored to their specific access needs.

SSO Solution: SSO for Employees, Customers in React Applications

Flexible Deployment Options

Identity solutions from miniOrange can be easily deployed in your organization's existing environment.

How to Choose an SSO Solution:
Key Considerations of SSO Solution to Your Business

Enhanced Security & Efficient Compliance

SSO Solution reduces cyber threat risks by using a single set of credentials, thus minimizing attack surfaces. It streamlines the authentication process to meet regulatory requirements like HIPAA, which mandates efficient user authentication and audit controls.

Compliance with Regulatory Requirements

By simplifying the authentication process, Single Sign On Solutions helps organizations meet stringent regulatory standards, ensuring they maintain necessary audit trails and user management protocols

Cost-Efficient IT & Streamlined Access Control

Single Sign On simplifies password management, reducing the volume of help desk tickets and associated IT costs. It centralizes access management, allowing more efficient control over user permissions and streamlining the processes of user provisioning and deprovisioning.

Enhanced User Experience & Operational Efficiency

SSO Solution simplifies the login process across multiple apps, alleviating the burden of remembering numerous passwords. It often includes app portals that streamline app access, enhancing productivity by minimizing the time spent on the login process.

SSO Solution

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SSO Solution: DBS miniOrange Integration Success Story

"miniOrange provided DBS with a solution to restrict access to Fortigate VPN with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). Because the organisation wanted the entire setup to be protected from internet exposure,..."

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is SSO solution?

An SSO solution is a security process that enables users to log into multiple applications with just a single set of login credentials

What is SSO used for?

SSO is used to simplify the user experience by enabling one-click access to various applications and reducing password fatigue.

What is an SSO company?

An SSO company specializes in providing Single Sign-On technology and services to enable secure and simplified access to multiple systems.

SSO vs Federated SSO

Federated SSO is an enhanced version of Single Sign-On (SSO). It allows users to access multiple SaaS applications and resources with a single strong password, including those not owned by their enterprise. While Federated SSO incorporates all the functions of SSO, standard SSO lacks some of the broader capabilities found in Federated SSO.

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