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Set up miniOrange On-premise Server from an AWS image

This guide includes steps for setting up the miniOrange on-premise server with the Postgres database as backend once you have deployed the AWS image. Please read the entire document and let us know if you have any questions.

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1. Setup Postgres user and create database

  • Run the below commands to change Postgres Linux user Password
  • sudo passwd postgres
  • Enter a new password when prompted. This will be the password for the postgres Linux user.
  • miniorange onpremise AWS Linux user password change

  • Switch the current Linux user to postgres. To do so execute the following command.
  • su – postgres
  • Once logged in as postgres user . Enter the following command to access postgres interactive terminal.
  • psql -U postgres
    miniorange onpremise AWS switch user


    This user is distinct from the Postgres Linux user. The Linux user is used to access the database, and the Postgres database user is used to perform administrative tasks on the databases. The postgres database user password will be used to connect to the database in the future steps. In the next step we setup the password for postgres database user.

  • Change the postgres database user password. To do this enter the following query in the Postgres interactive terminal.
    • ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD '<postgres_dbuser_password>';
      miniorange onpremise AWS create db password

    • Replace the postgres_dbuser_password with the password of your choice. This is the password that will be required to connect to the database when configuring miniOrange IdP.
  • Create your Database. Execute the following command in the Postgres interactive terminal to create your database.
    • CREATE DATABASE '<postgres_db_name>'
    • Replace the <postgres_db_name> with the name of your choice. This will be the name of your database. This will be required to connect to the database when configuring miniOrange IdP.
    • You can use \l to view all the databases.
    • Once you have finished using the shell, you can exit with /q
    • miniorange onpremise AWS create database

2. Run miniOrange On-Premise IdP and connect it to the Postgres database

  • Go to your browser and hit the following url: <your aws dns>:8080/. This will open up the Choose a Database Configuration Page on your browser.
  • Select External Database. This will open up a database setup form. Fill in the following information:

  • Select Database Select PostgreSQL
    Database Host Type in “”. This is because the PostgreSQL server is deployed locally
    Database Port User the value “5432”. This is the port used by Postgres.
    Database Name Name of the Database that we create earlier. The value you used to replace <postgres_db_name>
    Database Username User the value "postgres"
    Database Password Use the password that we set for Postgres database user. The value you used to replace <postgres_dbuser_password>
    miniorange onpremise AWS database configuration

  • After configuring the above information click on Proceed.

3. Setup miniOrange On-Premise IdP Administrator Account

  • After configuring the database successfully you should be redirected to Setup Admin Account Page on your Browser.
  • Well Done! You have successfully set up miniOrange On-Premise IdP with PostgreSQL as a backend using the AWS Image.
  • miniorange onpremise aws setup admin account

  • You have successfully setup the miniOrange Administrator Account.

4. Log into miniOrange On-Premise IdP using Administrator Account

  • After creating an account, you will be redirected to the login page (see image above). Please enter the details that you used while setting up the Admin account to log in to your miniOrange dashboard.
  • Configure the details asked on this page and click on the Create Account button to continue. miniorange onpremise AWS login

Further References

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