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Mobile Application Management (MAM)
For Businesses

Get greater control over business apps, updates, & security with miniOrange Mobile Application Management (MAM) solutions! Our cutting-edge MAM solution allows you to streamline app onboarding, prevent manual updates, and grant your team immediate access to the right apps—all while reducing IT workload. Say goodbye to manual madness and hello to effortless app control.

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Secure Mobile Applications Management Solution

What is MAM?

Mobile Application Management (MAM) is a powerful tool for businesses that want to manage apps installed on corporate or employee-owned devices. Perfect for BYOD setups, MAM creates a secure area for enterprise apps, ensuring your work data remains protected when accessed on employee devices. Plus, it makes accessing business apps a breeze and keeps them up-to-date, ensuring that your team is well-equipped with the latest app versions.

Why Your Business Needs MAM?

Protect Business Data

Mobile Application Management (MAM) keeps your business apps and data separate from the personal apps your employees use. Even if one of your employees' devices is lost or stolen, your business data remains safe and unharmed.

Boost Employee Efficiency

Get rid of the hassle of installing apps and performing manual updates. Employees get instant access to enterprise apps, allowing them to focus on getting work done without struggling with technology.

Secure BYOD Experience

Mobile Applications Management (MAM) allows your employees to use their preferred mobile devices for work while maintaining complete control over work apps. Simplify BYOD implementation with easy app deployment, updates, and security.

Minimize IT Headaches

Say goodbye to never-ending support tickets regarding compatibility problems and app updates. MAM automates app updates, allowing your IT team to focus on other tasks.

Easy Security Compliance

Maintain compliance with data privacy laws by restricting access to data and avoiding unapproved data sharing.

Enhance Workforce Management With miniOrange

Instant Access to The Right Apps

Automatically assign and deploy your pre-approved apps, eliminating the process of cumbersome downloads and requests. Your employees can simply log in and access enterprise apps on the go. No more wasting time searching the app store or waiting for manual installations. With our MAM, it’s just click and conquer.

Protect Sensitive Corporate Data

Get granular access control over who sees what, preventing data leaks and malicious activities. Our advanced Mobile Application Management secures your corporate data within each app, making it inaccessible to unauthorized employees. We keep your confidential data secure, no matter where your remote employees operate.

Easy App Distribution & Updates

Make distributing and updating your business apps a breeze with our mobile management software. Just pre-approve the apps you want and watch them silently get installed on your employee device. Get seamless app updates in the background, ensuring everyone gets the latest updates without lifting a finger.

Smooth User Experience

Say goodbye to frustrating logins and missing permissions. Our MAM solution integrates seamlessly with employees’ existing mobile devices, offering them a comfortable and secure app and user experience.

BYOD Management

Unleash the power of BYOD without impacting business data security. Our Mobile Applications Management simplifies app deployment, updates, and security on employee-owned mobile devices. Bid farewell to unauthorized app installs and data breaches and enjoy a productive and happy workforce - all while respecting their device freedom.

Ready to take control of your mobile apps?
Contact us at mdmsupport@xecurify.com and experience the power of effortless mobile app management!

Frequently Asked Questions

How does MAM ensure regulatory compliance?

MAM helps organizations meet regulatory compliance by ensuring that security measures to protect sensitive information are implemented on mobile apps.

How is MAM different from Mobile Device Management (MDM)?

MAM focuses on application and data management, whereas MDM is concerned with the overall management and control of mobile devices, including hardware and settings.

What is the use of Mobile Application Management?

Mobile Application Management is used to secure access to business applications, protect corporate data, manage app distribution, and provide a seamless user experience.

Which applications can be managed with miniOrange MAM?

miniOrange Mobile Applications Management works with all the apps present on the Google Play Store as well as various apps within your organization. Contact us at mdmsupport@xecurify.com and experience the power of effortless mobile app management.

Can I restrict access to certain apps based on user roles or device types?

Yes, MAM lets you configure granular access controls for different apps based on predefined criteria.


Benefits of Mobile Device Management (MDM)

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miniOrange CASB solution making it affordable for organizations