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Enable CORS with Reverse Proxy

CORS feature is used to enable access to specific domains that are submitted by a user to make asynchronous requests to the server address.

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What is Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)?

CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing) is a browser mechanism that enables controlled access to resources located outside of a given domain. CORS(Cross-origin resource sharing) allows you to make requests from one website to another website in the browser, which is normally restricted by another browser security policy called the Same-Origin Policy (or SOP). A Reverse Proxy Server can be set up to configure CORS (cross-origin resource sharing) and resolve issues at client applications while accessing your application’s REST APIs or how to allow a domain to access your application’s REST APIs. There are two ways to solve this issue. Either you need to make a server-to-server API call so that you won’t face the CORS issues, or you can use the miniOrange reverse proxy server which will help you in resolving the CORS issues.


Resource sharing between websites

CORS is a method that allows HTTP requests while Same Origin Policy (or SOP) is sharing resources between different websites, but prevents HTTP response information from reading.

Protects Users’ Session

CORS protects users’ session data according to the Same Origin Policy (or SOP) by preventing access to resources that are not in the same origin by denying the invalid access to sensitive information, such as the HTTP session data.

Free and Flexible

CORS is more free, flexible, and functional than Same Origin Policy (or SOP).

Better Error Handling

CORS provides better error handling by using XMLHttpRequest, hence it is better than JSONP.

Modern Browser Support

CORS is supported on almost all modern browsers, unlike JSONP.

Preflight request

CORS also relies on a mechanism by which browsers make a "preflight" request to the server hosting the cross-origin resource, in order to check that the server will permit the actual request.

How does CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) work?

Let’s see how CORS feature would work in a scenario where a client of the user, who has enabled the CORS feature, wants to access the user’s server:

What is Reverse Proxy?

  • The client sends a request to the proxy link of the user’s server.
  • The domain of the client making the request to the proxy link is fetched.
  • domain is compared with the list of domains that the user has permitted access to the proxy link.
  • If the domain is allowed for that proxy link, the client will be able to access it else, the client will be shown a ‘CORS’ error

CORS Use Case

Suppose we have two client applications, say Angular and React Native, which are the JS framework based. Now, we want to fetch the WordPress data using the REST APIs, when we make the API calls from the client applications we will receive the CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing) issue which denies access to use the data and resources. To tackle the issue of cross origin resource sharing or cors, a reverse proxy server can be helpful. Let's understand how miniorange reverse proxy can be helpful.

How can the miniOrange reverse proxy server help?

The react native application is hosted on the domain “application.com” and the angular client application is hosted on the domain “newapplication.com”. When a react application with CORS set tries to access the backend application’s API, the API request goes to the reverse proxy server. The Reverse proxy server does the domain check. If the domain matches the react application will grant access. When an angular application tries to access the backend APIs without CORS set up, the reverse proxy server will do the domain check and if the domain doesn’t match, he gets the CORS error of access denied as default.

cors usecase
If you already have CORS, learn how to enable it by following the steps written in this setup guide.

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