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Version 3.6.2

New Features:

  • Added Impersonated feature: Admins can take limited control of other user accounts as if you're signed in as that user. This allows you to look into their account settings in order to diagnose improper configurations and troubleshoot issues.
  • Mailchimp API Provisioning: Added support to sync users from Miniorange to Mailchimp.

Improvements/Bug Fixes:

  • Improvements for loading and searching of the Application List Page in the Admin Panel.
  • Fixed a bug where users were previously prompted to set up their MFA and password separately on next login, even when both options were enabled. Now, both processes have been combined into a unified flow, ensuring a smoother user experience.
  • Incorrect home page redirect for Additional Super Admins: After login, Additional super admins are being redirected to a page which is not available for Superadmin Dashboard but for Customer Admin Dashboard. Hence, showing an empty page.