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Configure Custom SMS Gateway

An SMS Gateway is an application that allows your device or server to receive and send Short Message Service (SMS) between various telecommunication networks. These networks can range from local (within a specific area) or international networks. They use a wireless carrier to route text/push messages to mobile devices

By default, miniOrange provides and uses it's own SMS Gateway to send OTPs to users. If you have a custom SMS gateway configured, you can use the same to send SMS from your miniOrange account. Check out our list of Supported SMS gateways.


You can contact idpsupport@xecurify.com for adding your own gateway or if you need help with any SMS Gateway integration.

Follow the guide to configure SMS gateway in your account

Configuration steps for Custom SMS Gateway in miniOrange IDP:

  • Log in to the miniOrange dashboard.
  • From the left navigation section, go to Customization >> Custom SMS Provider.
  • 2-Factor Authentication app

1. Set Organization SMS Gateway

  • Select the Set Organization SMS Gateway icon.
  • 2-Factor Authentication app

  • Under the SMS Gateways section, you can see the following options. Select the gateway of your choice

Twilio Communications APIs enable voice, messaging, and video conversations within the web and mobile apps. This facilitates developers to make easy communications between different apps.

Twilio can be used to send SMS, make Voice Calls and more, across the customer journey. All you need to do is integrate its API with miniOrange. Click here to know more:

To configure your SMS gateway using Twilio Gateway, follow the steps below.

  • Select the Twilio Gateway option in the SMS Gateways dropdown.
  • Configure the SMS gateway using the following parameters:
  • 2-Factor Authentication app for twilio

    Parameter Description
    URL https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/YOURACCOUNTSID/Messages.json
    Authentication BasicAuth
    Username ACCOUNTSID
    Password AUTHTOKEN
  • For the Post Fields section, enter the following parameters.
  • Parameter Description
    Body ##message##
    To ##phone##
    From YourTwilioPhoneNumber
  • Click here to get the ACCOUNT SID and AUTH TOKEN.

2. Test SMS Gateway Configuration

After saving the configuration, you can test your SMS Gateway with the following steps.

  • Enter your mobile number in the STEP 1 field.
  • Click on Test Configuration. You will receive an SMS with a 6-8 digit OTP on the mobile number you entered.
  • Enter the OTP sent in the SMS and click on Validate to validate your phone number.
  • 2-Factor Authentication app

If you have any further queries. Please contact us at idpsupport@xecurify.com